Transformative Sanitation Technology Awareness Raising Packages

Transformative Sanitation Technology Awareness Raising Packages

Client the Global Water & Sanitation Center (GWSC) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Sustainable sanitation-waste-energy nexus

Key facts

  • Project Location
    Asia, Africa, Global
  • Period
  • Context
    Sanitation Technology
  • Sector
    Sanitation, Insitutional Capacity Building
  • Services
    Technical Assistance, Marketing, Stakeholder Engagement
  • Beneficiaries
    communities, governments, sanitation products suppliers

Project Background & Objectives

The Gates Foundation’s global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WSH) vision is to enable widespread use of safely managed, sustainable sanitation services, contributing to positive health, economic, and gender equality outcomes for the world’s poorest. Creating sanitation infrastructure and public services that work for everyone and keep human waste out of the environment is difficult—and it isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. The toilets, sewers, and wastewater treatment systems that made sense in the past aren’t necessarily the best solutions for the future, especially in poor countries. The Gates Foundation collaborates with government leaders, the private sector, and technologists to advance promising new toilet and waste treatment technologies, service delivery models, and policies with the greatest potential to improve sanitation conditions for underserved communities.

The objective of the Project is to collect, collate, and consolidate data and information from the current commercial demonstrations and associated CPs and tailor packaging of information to raise awareness for target audiences of critical stakeholder groups, including officials from priority countries, Development Financial Institutions (DFI) task managers, regional platform partners and other intermediary partners in the CWIS and PAC ecosystem.

The WSH strategy is at an inflection point, whereby now the team have sufficient confidence in several first mover commercial partners (CPs), as well as a first wave of commercially available (or very soon-to-be available) products. There are currently a range of demonstrations of Reinvented Toilet (RT), including Omni-Processor (OP), technologies underway, across a range of partners, geographies, and products. Given the progress and availability of these technologies, the WSH team is now in a position to begin large-scale awareness-raising and engagement for these technologies and products across the breadth of our portfolio of partners, and with additional GA countries beyond our focus countries for product launch (China, India, South Africa). To do so, the WSH team will need to have the right package of data and information (e.g., performance data, product specifications, etc.), targeted to the right audiences, in the formats that answer key questions for these different audiences, and through a system that enables CPs and their brokers to follow up and engage in deeper ‘deal-making’ conversations as needed.

UPM Services

The technical support includes:

  • Engage with the Gates Foundation and key target audiences to develop a methodology, including templates and key questions, to disseminate RT and OP technology and product information that directly responds to the key information needs of each audience.
  • Collect all available data and information from the current commercial demos and CPs. This will be accomplished through consultations with the CPs, visits to the demo sites, formal surveys, semi-structured interviews with commercial partners, government officials, communities, customers, users, and others involved in current demos.
  • Collate and consolidate all available data and information into packages suitable to raise awareness of these technologies in the key target audiences using the formats and templates developed for each. Validate all final products with key stakeholders and the Gates Foundation prior to finalization.

Develop a proposed process for dissemination through awareness-raising activities, events, and meetings, which will inform and be informed by the foundation’s engagements with our intermediary partners. In particular, the consultant will support and provide input into the DFI technology roadmaps under development.

Project Deliverables

  • Awareness Raising Package:
    • TSTP Presentation
    • TSTP Posters
    • TSTP Catalogue
    • Cost Estimation Tool (CAPEX & OPEX)
  • Repository
  • Dissemination Guidelines / Engagement Strategy

Sustainable development goals MORE DETAILS

Good Health and Well-being

Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, by providing access to quality healthcare services, sanitation, and safe drinking water.
Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, by eliminating discrimination, violence, and harmful practices, and ensuring equal opportunities in political, economic, and public life.
Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, by improving water quality, wastewater treatment, and access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all, aiming to achieve higher levels of productivity and innovation.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation by investing in infrastructure, industrialization, and technological progress.
Reduced Inequalities

Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries by promoting social, economic, and political inclusion and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
Responsible Production and Consumption

Responsible Production and Consumption

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns by promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and environmentally sound management of chemicals and wastes.

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