Safely Managed On-site Sanitation: Technological Solutions for City Dwellers and Authority-Dhaka North City Corporation

Safely Managed On-site Sanitation: Technological Solutions for City Dwellers and Authority-Dhaka North City Corporation

Client the Global Water & Sanitation Center (GWSC) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), UNICEF Bangladesh, Dhaka North City Corporation, financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Sustainable sanitation-waste-energy nexus

Key facts

  • Project Location
  • Period
  • Context
    Urban Development
  • Sector
    Sanitation, institutional capacity building
  • Services
    Technical Assistance
  • Beneficiaries

Project Background

City authorities face a tremendous challenge in creating livable cities. The World Cities Report 2020 stated that with 2.3 billion people living in cities, Asia has the highest number of urban dwellers worldwide. The region is 50.1 per cent urbanized and accounts for 54 per cent of the world’s urban population. Nearly 65 million of urban population live in Bangladesh, and 47.6% of the urban population live in slum areas.

Dhaka is the 9th largest city in the world in 2018 with nearly 20 million people living in the city. The United Nations predicted that 28 million people live in Dhaka by 2030 which will make the city the fourth largest city by population. This fact challenges Dhaka City Corporation to strategically manage the city. Livability of and the quality of life in Dhaka’s depends on timely provision of urban facilities and services including provision of wastewater treatment facilities.

The overall objective of the “Safely Managed On-site Sanitation: Technological Solutions for City Dwellers and Authority Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)” assignment is to have a feasible on-site sanitation technological solution to guide citizens and city authority to adopt the appropriate solution to improve safely managed sanitation at DNCC area by 2023. The project area is Dhaka North City Corporation Cluster 1 which covers Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, and Nekaton.

The following are the two outputs of the project:
 Technical guidelines for the citizens to manage on-site sanitation at source/containment, and
 A feasibility report on the technological solution for authority to manage fecal sludge generated at household/local business containment facility.

UPM Services

The technical support includes:
• Lead the preparation of Deliverable 1, “On-site Sanitation Containment Technological Guideline” and related tasks, incl.:
o Analyse on-site sanitation compliance assessment data.
o Market analysis on locally available technological solutions,
o Development of recommendations/guidelines for suitable technology solutions.
• Perform a comparative analysis of available containment systems,
• Support the preparation of Deliverable 2, “Feasibility Report to manage DNCC manage onsite-sanitation service chain” and related task, incl.:
o Support AIT in preparing a Cost Benefit Analysis, CAPEX and OPEX, tariff setting, and other activities that may be required,
• Support overall implementation of the assignment, incl.:
o Coordinate and communicate the process, progress, and interim results with AIT-GWSC and the client to ensure the delivery of quality products,
o Support draft of the inception report,
o Review of the Deliverable 2, the Feasibility Report

Sustainable development goals MORE DETAILS

No Poverty

No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere by ensuring equal rights to economic resources, basic services, ownership, and control over land and other forms of property.
Good Health and Well-being

Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, by providing access to quality healthcare services, sanitation, and safe drinking water.
Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, by eliminating discrimination, violence, and harmful practices, and ensuring equal opportunities in political, economic, and public life.
Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, by improving water quality, wastewater treatment, and access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation by investing in infrastructure, industrialization, and technological progress.
Climate Action

Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by implementing policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance resilience to climate-related hazards.

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