The technical support includes:
• Lead the preparation of Deliverable 1, “On-site Sanitation Containment Technological Guideline” and related tasks, incl.:
o Analyse on-site sanitation compliance assessment data.
o Market analysis on locally available technological solutions,
o Development of recommendations/guidelines for suitable technology solutions.
• Perform a comparative analysis of available containment systems,
• Support the preparation of Deliverable 2, “Feasibility Report to manage DNCC manage onsite-sanitation service chain” and related task, incl.:
o Support AIT in preparing a Cost Benefit Analysis, CAPEX and OPEX, tariff setting, and other activities that may be required,
• Support overall implementation of the assignment, incl.:
o Coordinate and communicate the process, progress, and interim results with AIT-GWSC and the client to ensure the delivery of quality products,
o Support draft of the inception report,
o Review of the Deliverable 2, the Feasibility Report