Reinvented Toilet (RT) applications for trains and train stations in China – Market Development Study
Client the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Client the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the “BMGF” or the “Foundation”) is committed to “attach particular importance to sanitary operations which promote energy and resource efficiency, waste volume reduction, resource recovery and recycling, the use of cleaner technologies and the promotion of renewable resources.” Particularly through its Reinvented Toilet (RT) initiative, the Foundation aims to promote sustainable resource efficiency and innovation in sanitation to save and ensure safe energy, water, and materials.
These facts open the opportunity for the upgrade of existing toilet systems the manufacturing of new reinvented toilet facilities, here especially for the train transport sector in China. Such activities should be based on commercially proven technologies, should be cost-competitive and can use the existing infrastructure with few modifications. Despite these advantages, the advanced sanitation market development has been slow due to the following barriers:
• Sustainability concerns
• Lack of long-term agreements
• Regulatory scene
• Lack of established markets
• Lack of financing
Project Description and Objectives
In this context, the Foundation wishes to engage an expert team of the Centre for Sustainable Environmental Sanitation at the University of Science and Technologies Beijing to study the potential for developing reinvented toilet investment opportunities for the public train transport sector in China. The objectives are:
• Understand the existing toilet types and problems in the train sector;
• Identify the barriers blocking the application of the reinvented toilet in the train sector.
• Identify the technical, economic and regulatory improvements required to develop the improved sanitation market in the context of public train transport.
• Identify key market players and stakeholders in China.
• Summarize lessons learnt from “rolling” toilet systems where the Reinvented toilet potential has been successfully stimulated and implemented, or where RT could be implemented.
UPM is engaged to support the team of USTB for the following tasks and produce the final key study report.
Task 1 – Regulatory Framework and Pricing Mechanism
Task 2 – Stakeholder Engagement
Task 3 – Market Review
Task 4 – Case Studies and Projects Identification
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