UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH

Lamontstrasse 11 81679 Munich Germany
Phone: +49-(0)89-1222197-51 Fax: +49-(0)89-1222197-53
Web: www.upm-cdm.eu E-mail: info(at)upm-cdm.eu

Managing Director

Martin Dilger

Commercial Register

Commercial Register B of the Local Court of Munich

Registration Number

HRB 95277

VAT ID Number


Website Concept, Design, Implementation and Maintenance

UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH

UPM Corporate Design

Sabine Schoeffler, Dipl. Graphics Designer

Website Responsibility according to German Telemediengesetz (TMG)

Martin Dilger



Data Protection


Photo Credits

Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina: 08-01-06 © Alex Timaios, iStockphoto Windpark at dawn: 06-07-08 © Stephen Strathdee, iStockphoto Landscape Guangxi, Yulong River, China: 11-14-10 © HAIBO BI, iStockphotoA

Panorama Munich, Germany: 06-21-06 © Björn Kindler, iStockphoto Lahore Badshahi Mosque, Pakistan: 09-10-11, © Jugni , Wikimedia Commons Suspension bridge Hunza Valley, Pakistan: © Günther Kleis, Bergdias.deC

Minapir Glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan: © Günther Kleis, Bergdias.de: Muztagh Tower, Karakoram, Pakistan: © Afzal, Summitpost Yading Nature Reserve, Sichuan China: © John Lee, Photo.net Chengyang Bridge, China: 04-28-08 © zubin li, iStockphotoC

Windpark with workers: 06-02-10 © David Jones, iStockphotoS

Rice paddy and farmer, China: 08-08-09 © elwynn1130, iStockphotoN

Newspapers with Carbon Market Headlines: 02-27-12 © Doug Cannell, iStockphoto All other photos © UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management or Dr. Ralph Westermann.